


Jerash, located north of Amman, is one of the best-preserved Roman provincial towns in the world. Known for its extensive ruins, including the Oval Plaza, the Temple of Artemis, and the Roman Theater, Jerash offers a glimpse into ancient Roman life. The city's annual festival showcases traditional Jordanian culture and arts.

Jerash, located north of Amman, is one of the best-preserved Roman provincial towns in the world. Known for its extensive ruins, including the Oval Plaza, the Temple of Artemis, and the Roman Theater, Jerash offers a glimpse into ancient Roman life. The city's annual festival showcases traditional Jordanian culture and arts.

About Jerash

Jerash, often referred to as the "Pompeii of the East," is a city in northern Jordan renowned for its remarkably well-preserved Roman ruins.

This ancient city, once known as Gerasa, showcases the grandeur of Roman urban planning and architecture, making it one of the best-preserved provincial towns from the Roman Empire.

The archaeological site of Jerash features an extensive array of ruins, including the impressive Oval Plaza, the majestic Temple of Artemis, and the grand Roman Theater.

 Visitors can also explore the Cardo, the city's main street lined with columns, and the Nymphaeum, a beautifully adorned public fountain. These structures provide a vivid glimpse into daily life during the Roman period.

Jerash is not only about ancient history; it also hosts the annual Jerash Festival of Culture and Arts, a vibrant event that celebrates traditional Jordanian music, dance, and crafts. This festival attracts visitors from around the world and adds a contemporary cultural dimension to the city's historical appeal.

Surrounded by rolling hills and fertile lands, Jerash offers a picturesque setting for exploring Jordan's Roman heritage. The city's blend of historical significance and cultural vitality makes it a must-visit destination for those interested in the ancient world.